NetworkingPostRequestForm-data AndroidGitzella

NetworkingPostRequestForm data

It is a project about how to fetch data from API using post request and form-data for that request using...

KVPlayer AndroidGitzella


It is a Video player app using Kotlin, Exo player library using MVVM architecture. This app supports subtitle, different audio...

VoiceRecorder AndroidGitzella


It is a voice recorder app using jetpack compose, room dabatase, dependency injection, MVVM architecture.

Task-App AndroidGitzella

Task App

It is a to-do list application using Navigation components, MVVM, Coroutines, Room database and dependency injection using dagger-hilt.

FlashLight AndroidGitzella


It is a flashlight app. App have SOS, blinking light , strobe lights, incoming call notification flashlight feature.

QRScanner AndroidGitzella


It is QR code app, It is implemented using Jetpack compose. I used Android CompoundBarcodeView inside composable, and new media...

JetPackCompose_Basic AndroidGitzella


This repository is useful for learning basic to intermediate levels of Jetpack compose. Jetpack Compose (JC) is a modern UI...

Tasks AndroidGitzella


It is a tasks & todo list application using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Flow, MVVM, Coroutines, Room database and dependency injection...

Instagram AndroidGitzella


It is an instagram clone using Jetpack compose. I used dependency Injection, Retrofit2, Viewpager, MVVM architecture, Flow, bottom-navigation, navigation graph,...

WallpaperApp AndroidGitzella


It is a wallpaper app using Unsplash Api. It is a project using Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, Coroutines, MVVM architecture, REST...

XPhotogram AndroidGitzella


It is a XPhotogram app using Jetpack compose. I used dependency Injection, Retrofit2, Viewpager, MVVM architecture, Flow, bottom-navigation, navigation graph,...