laravel-caffeine LaravelGitzella

laravel caffeine

Keeping Your Laravel Forms Awake.

laravel-model-caching LaravelGitzella

laravel model caching

Eloquent model-caching made easy.

laravel-sign-in-with-apple LaravelGitzella

laravel sign in with apple

Provide "Sign In With Apple" functionality to your Laravel app.

bones-macros LaravelGitzella

bones macros

useful form macros for Laravel's Blade template engine.

laravel-messenger LaravelGitzella

laravel messenger

Notifying your users doesn't have to be a lot of work.

laravel-pivot-events LaravelGitzella
laravel-governor LaravelGitzella

laravel governor

Manage authorization with granular role-based permissions in your Laravel Apps.

laravel-authorization-addons LaravelGitzella

laravel authorization addons

Additional helper methods and blade directives to help with more complex authorization queries.

laravel-socialiter LaravelGitzella

laravel socialiter

Automatically manage user persistence and resolution for any Laravel Socialite provider.

laravel-optimized-postgres LaravelGitzella

laravel optimized postgres

Implement all textual fields as `text` in Postgres databases.

laravel-null-carbon LaravelGitzella

laravel null carbon

Carbon null-class.