android-testing-runtime-permissions AndroidGitzella

android testing runtime permissions

An example of using Espresso and UiAutomator to write UI tests that interact with Android M permission dialogs.

android-greendao-database-encryption AndroidGitzella

android greendao database encryption

An example of configuring greenDAO with database encryption to store sensitive data.

android-espresso-dagger-testing AndroidGitzella

android espresso dagger testing

Sample application that shows how Dagger can be used to substitute dependencies with test doubles in Espresso tests to have...

android-dagger-overrides AndroidGitzella

android dagger overrides

An example of configuring Dagger modules to provide test doubles, covers both Dagger 1 and Dagger 2.

android-espresso-sorted-list AndroidGitzella

android espresso sorted list

An example of how to write acceptance tests using Espresso

android-test-rules AndroidGitzella

android test rules

Demo project that explores writing custom JUnit rules and using them in instrumentation tests.

android-test-butler-demo AndroidGitzella

android test butler demo

Sample project that illustrates writing Espresso tests with the help of the Test Butler library.

okhttp-android-tests AndroidGitzella

okhttp android tests

Set of Android instrumentation tests for OkHttp.

android-aop-analytics AndroidGitzella

android aop analytics

Demo application that implements Google Analytics tracking in an aspect-oriented way using AspectJ.