psr-18-guzzle-adapter LaravelGitzella

psr 18 guzzle adapter

PSR-18 adapter for the Guzzle HTTP client

artisan-menu LaravelGitzella

artisan menu

📝 Artisan Menu - Use Artisan via an elegant console GUI

laravel-password-security-audit LaravelGitzella

laravel password security audit

🔏 Artisan command to audit the security of your users' passwords

cachet.php LaravelGitzella


📛 PHP client library for the Cachet API

web-article-formatter LaravelGitzella

web article formatter

🌐🔀📰 Converts a webpage article into other formats, like PDF, markdown, JSON, plain text...

uxdm LaravelGitzella


🔀 UXDM helps developers migrate data from one system or format to another.

uxdm-spatie-data-transfer-object LaravelGitzella

uxdm spatie data transfer object

🔀 Spatie Data Transfer Object source and destination for the UXDM data migrator

password_exposed LaravelGitzella


🔒 Password Exposed Helper Function - Check if a password has been exposed in a data breach.

laravel-password-exposed-validation-rule LaravelGitzella

laravel password exposed validation rule

🔒 Laravel validation rule that checks if a password has been exposed in a data breach.

dates-timezone-conversion-trait LaravelGitzella

dates timezone conversion trait

⏳🗺 Automatically convert an Eloquent model's dates to and from the current user's timezone

eloquent-attribute-value-prediction LaravelGitzella

eloquent attribute value prediction

Predict attribute values for your Laravel Eloquent models using machine learning!

php-postcodes LaravelGitzella

php postcodes

📬 This library handles various UK postcode related tasks