FirstPHPGraphQL LaravelGitzella


Create a GraphQL server (restful) web service using PHP.

LimitLastLinePHP LaravelGitzella


Some tiny script to limit and remove the last line from input string using PHP.

CoronaVirusDatabase LaravelGitzella


A repository for analyzing references and database of "" website for Corona Virus.

JPOPHP LaravelGitzella


JSON Parser Object PHP is a library for parsing the data in JSON format.

php-jwt-example LaravelGitzella

php jwt example

PHP JWT example.

NetPHP LaravelGitzella


Useful functions for connecting to the network in the PHP based applications.

CurlDivideParsing LaravelGitzella


A tiny library and script to divide and split a remote file to download that step by step.

TelegramEntitiesParser LaravelGitzella


A program to parse and decode formatted part of the Telegram message text with UTF8 support.

telegram-weather-bot LaravelGitzella

telegram weather bot

A telegram bot to sending weather information daily in some channels. (Using PHP and getting information from a API)

FreeSpringerBook LaravelGitzella


Download Free List book of Springer. [PDF format]

LaravelBigDataTest LaravelGitzella


PHP Laravel: Develop a test environment in Laravel with more than 20 Million user rows. (A project in blade laravel...

flex-redis-task-queues FlaskGitzella

flex redis task queues

A python-based web application using flask to simulates delay and manage Queue by getting from Redis in rq worker.