

Laravel package to upload git commits to server(s) via (s)ftp.



Realtime work app, collaborate with your colleagues, see your friend is on the same channel, talk with them via web...

laravel caddy

laravel caddy

Caddy 2 configuration for laravel

eloquent ldap

eloquent ldap

A Laravel 5.1 package that first tries to log the user against the internal database if that fails, it tries...

laravel ssr

laravel ssr

Vue Server Side Rendering with Laravel + Node

lumen starter pack

lumen starter pack

Implement a OAuth 2 based REST API server Lumen ( Laravel ) with a users module



Laravel signature certification with web API server.

license connector

license connector

Ready to use License Connector package for Laravel clients. This package is competible with License Server package.

laravel soap server
LV soap server

LV soap server

Laravel SOAP service server

laravel echo server

laravel echo server server for Laravel Echo

laravel jsonapi

laravel jsonapi

Basic setup framework for creating a Laravel JSON-API server

laravel starter serverless

laravel starter serverless

This repository uses Bref( to create a serverless application which can be deployed on AWS Lambda. The application provides everything...



A menu driven Laravel Forge command line tool. Manage servers, sites, config, deployments and more with ease.

laravel stripe server

laravel stripe server

By @404lab

Laravel Stripe Server is a library to handle Stripe SCA checkout.

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