
server 服务端源码,项目基于 Laravel 10 开发。

php x sendfile

php x sendfile

Serve large files using web server

Adware ads network server

Adware ads network server

Online Advertising Network Server

laravel openid connect server

laravel openid connect server

By @Limosa

This is an OpenID Connect Server for Laravel.

legacy rp admin v3

legacy rp admin v3

By @Marius

💻 A web interface to help with administrative duties at the FiveM server: Legacy Roleplay. Currently compatible with the OP-FW...

server timing

server timing

Collect backend metrics and provide them as Server-Timing header in your responses

server for web

server for web

By @Hélio

One-time fully automated shell script to install all needed software to run Laravel on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Creates user, installs...

php guidelines

php guidelines

standar dan panduan bagi backend engineer DOT Indonesia atau vendor yang menggunakan PHP atau framework PHP sebagai server side programming.

laravel sse

laravel sse

Laravel package to provide Server Sent Events functionality for your app.

laravel scim server

laravel scim server

By @Limosa

SCIM 2.0 Server implementation for Laravel

spiral app

spiral app

Buggregator is a lightweight, standalone server that offers a range of debugging features for PHP applications.

ShareX Media Server

ShareX Media Server

A simple way to share your screenshots, files, text snippets, or shorten URLs with the world.

echo server

echo server

Echo Server is a container-ready, multi-scalable Node.js application used to host your own Socket.IO server for Laravel Broadcasting.

soketi app manager filament

soketi app manager filament

Manage soketi websocket server and apps with ease.

ngx security starter

ngx security starter

A full implementation of the heloufir/security-starter with an Angular 7+ front-end implementation, with a laravel 5.8.* server

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