Sistema de eleicao funcionario destaque em Laravel

Sistema de eleicao funcionario destaque em Laravel

Um sistema gerenciador de eleição de projetos. Incluindo as operações de votos e contagens de voto. Possui diversas funcionalidades, tais...

laravel schedule loop

laravel schedule loop

This package provides a schedule:loop command for Laravel that runs any command every N seconds (60 by default)

laravel elastic beanstalk

laravel elastic beanstalk

Laravel elastic beanstalk settings for running laravel horizon and the task scheduler.

laravel applikation

laravel applikation

A response to the Louisville Laravel Meetup's Interview Scheduler demo app



By @Sunny

Here you can find small example of Laravel 8 Schedule process.

Sports schedule

Sports schedule

Sports News , Schedule Management

worker scheduler

worker scheduler

Simple work schedule demo project with laravel, vue and websockets



Reminder - Lecturer Schedule Reminder System

laravel twitter clone

laravel twitter clone

Twitter Clone using Laravel | Features include authentication, authorisation, middleware, vite, tailwind, soft deleting, eager loading, pagination, blade, mail, jobs,...

laravel schedule testing

laravel schedule testing

A lightweight package for testing Laravel schedules.

tfa calendar

tfa calendar

Scheduling system for tutors and students with an administrator panel.



Web development project carried out during my 2nd year internship at CESI EXIA, showcasing a dynamic hospital website created with...



Sales Management System for BITEYE GROUP, a real estate software firm. My 5th-year internship project aimed to boost sales efficiency...



Delete extra backups on schedule

waste disposal tracking system

waste disposal tracking system

Waste Disposal Tracking System for District 3 of Caloocan City—a smart solution designed to streamline waste collection. This software keeps...

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