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Here you can find small example of Laravel 8 Schedule process.
Updated 2 years ago

1. Create a laravel file and create a database.

2. Create authentication.

3. add last_login fiend in user table.

4. run php artisan migrate.

5. check user databse by php artisan tinker -> App\Models\User::all();

6. add last_login in user model fillable array.

7. add last_login save process on App\Http\Controller\Auth\AuthenticatedSessionController

    public function store(LoginRequest $request)

            $user = auth()->user();

            $user->last_login = Carbon::now();


            return redirect()->intended(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);

8. Create a artisan command for scheduleing

    php artisan make:command EmailInactiveUsers 

9. add created command signiture and discription.

    protected $signature = 'email:inactive-users';

    protected $description = 'Email Inactive Users';

10. add logic on handel() method.

    public function handle()
        $limit = Carbon::now()->subDay(7);

        $inactive_users = User::where('last_login', '<', '2022-02-10 09:00:00')->get();

        foreach($inactive_users as $user)
            $user->notify(new NotifyInactiveUser());
            $this->info('Email send to' .$user->email);
        // $this->info($limit);
        // return 0;

11. Now create a notification for email tamplate

    php artisan make:notification NotifyInactiveUser

    now implement (implements ShouldQueue) on Notification class.

12. Go to App\Console\kernel.php file and register artisan command

    protected $commands =[


13. Add schedule command on schedule function

    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


14. Now run schedule for make it autometically.

    php artisan schedule:work

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