

Turn Raspberry Pi into temperature and humidity logging station with DHT11 sensor



A CakePHP 1.3+ plugin for catching errors and exceptions and logging them



Simple SMS Gateway Package for sending short text messages from your Application. Facade for Laravel 5(Updated to work with Laravel...

Simple PHP Logger

Simple PHP Logger

By @Lars

A simple and basic PHP Logger writing logs based on an abbreviation of the PSR-3 standard.



Capture everything happening in your asterisk server and log it to mysql. Calls, DTMF's, generic events, etc

CakePHP DatabaseLog

CakePHP DatabaseLog

DatabaseLog CakePHP plugin to log into DB instead of files. Better to filter and search.

log subscriber

log subscriber

By @Guzzle

[DEPRECATED] Logs HTTP requests and Responses as they are sent over the wire. Not used in Guzzle 6.

logentries monolog handler

logentries monolog handler

Logentries handler extension for MonoLog PHP logging library



By @Matt

BedcoreProtect is a fast, efficient, data logging and anti-griefing tool for PocketMine servers. Rollback and restore any amount of damage.

monolog mysql

monolog mysql

Laravel 5 log to MySQL database

revise operation

revise operation

An admin interface for venturecraft/revisionable - audit log for your Eloquent entries.

laravel payze

laravel payze


💰 Payze.io Payment Integration for Laravel with Transactions History, Saved Cards and Logs

helium miner log analyzer

helium miner log analyzer

Small tool that extracts witness data from Helium miner logs.

progress bar log

progress bar log

A component to display a progress bar and last X logs at the same time.



Allow users to log in with GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, and more!

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