laravel coreui vue

laravel coreui vue

Boilerplate for Single Page Application, powered by Laravel, CoreUI, Vue

Vue Laravel SPA Boilerplate


Creating Real Time chat with Laravel, Vue and Pusher

laravel admin

laravel admin

By @wdjisn

LaravelAdmin是基于PHP开发的基础管理后台系统,做到开箱即用,为新项目开发省去了基础功能开发的步骤;此系统采用前后端分离模式,后端使用Laravel,前端使用vue;主要包含:登录、注销、可视化数据大屏、管理员、角色管理、菜单管理、权限管理、错误日志、登录日志、访问日志、获取服务器CPU使用率、内存使用率等功能。后端主要使用Artisan命令行、Jobs消息队列、 Rules验证规则、Restful API、Composer扩展包、Redis秒杀、Extend自定义扩展类:微信授权、钉钉告警推送、MongoDB、阿里云OSS、七牛云存储、七牛云直播、php-jwt TOKEN、Phpoffice、MySql数据库字典、Elasticsearch等技术。



Private file storage and share with user build with laravel and vue inspired by google drive



By @Mr.L

Duxravel 是基于 Laravel 框架和Arco Design Vue 开发的后台管理开发框架

form object

form object

By @Sahib

Form object to use with Vue components for sending data to a Laravel application using axios.

todolist backend laravel

todolist backend laravel

Back-end application for Todolist Web application built with Laravel 5.8 and Vue.js

vue js laravel ssr

vue js laravel ssr

Source code for the article "Server-Side Rendering With Laravel & Vue.js 2.5"

laravel vue iview

laravel vue iview

By @Dong

集成 laravel7 + vue,使用 view-design(原iview) 作为前端 ui 的后台系统,暂无前后端权限

laravel vue tasks

laravel vue tasks

📝 Task app built with Laravel 5.5 and Vue 2

laravel vuetify spa

laravel vuetify spa

Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template with Vuetify frontend.



A Simple SPA Blog built with Laravel Vue (With Multiple Image Upload)

laravel vue tailwind spa

laravel vue tailwind spa

By @Skrypt

A Laravel, Vue & Tailwind SPA starter project template.

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