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Private file storage and share with user build with laravel and vue inspired by google drive
Updated 1 month ago


A complete laravel dashbord template with laravel 5.3 + gentelella admin template

LaravelAdmin is an Admin panel build with Laravel 5.3 and gentelella admin template.

Admin panel with Laravel 5.3 to manage user authentication, registration with email confirmation, password recovery, api manage. Gentelella admin template has a log of admin features. We will cover all of those + full user authentication with social login, Article rwiting and api. we are continuee working.

A Laravel 5.3.x project.
Laravel-admin panel Features
Built on Laravel 5.3
Uses MySQL Database
Dependencies are managed with COMPOSER and bower
Laravel Scaffolding User and Administrator Authentication.

Quick instalation

  1. clone the project sudo git clone

  2. Create a MySQL database for the project

  3. create or copy .env file run cp .env.example .env

  4. Configure your .env file

  5. Run sudo composer update from the projects root folder

  6. give full file permission sudo chmod -R 755 LaravelAdmin

  7. generate key php artisan key:generate

  8. create laravel table php artisan migrate

  9. Run server php artisan serve

  10. browse in your browser http://localhost:8000

    *To access you need a user account.