csharp to php encryption

csharp to php encryption

Encrypt communication between C# and PHP using AES and RSA.



Simple wrapper for the illuminate support, http response, request, validation, zttp, cache, encryption, blade templating and whoops error handler for...

php crypt

php crypt

By @lcpeng

Encryption and decryption in php.(DES,3DES,IDEA,RC2,RC4,RSA,DSA,AES,BLOWFISH)



By @Method

A PHP Kohana 3 module for CSRF prevention. This module includes special handling and sample code for implementation with AJAX...

bigint wrapper php

bigint wrapper php

Fast common interface for php_gmp and php_bcmath modules

laravel openssl encryption

laravel openssl encryption

By @Neoxia

Laravel 4 encryption package that uses the PHP openssl extension



Encrypt base64 via php. This is the first and the unique cryptographic algorithm at this time IN THE WORLD that...

doctrine extensions

doctrine extensions

Doctrine2 behavioral extension Transformable



[READ ONLY] Openssl and libsodium encryption and password hashing adapters for PHP.

tea php

tea php

TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm) 64 bits value, by 128 bits key , QQ do 16 round for php.

PHP Encryption

PHP Encryption

Encryption in PHP.

jwt encryption

jwt encryption

[READ ONLY] Encryption component of the JWT Framework

typed laravel settings

typed laravel settings

Strongly typed settings for Laravel, includes built-in encryption and friendly validation.

laravel file encryption example

laravel file encryption example

Example project to showcase backend file encryption

cryptolib php

cryptolib php

A library to encrypt or decrypt with random password generator based on secret key defined.

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