laravel to swagger

laravel to swagger

This package aims to bring you the easiest way to create a Swagger / OpenApi 3 config for your Laravel...

apigility documentation

apigility documentation

Documentation for the Apigility project.



Package accompanying the documentation.



KumbiaPHP documentation

nacha generator

nacha generator

Easy to use NACHA file generation for PPD/CCD transactions. Modeled using NACHA documentation.

yii2 rest api doc

yii2 rest api doc

Simple documentation generator for Yii2 REST applications based on defined API endpoints and actions annotations.

t3docs examples

t3docs examples

This extension packages a number of code examples from the Core Documentation.

gs1 barcode parser

gs1 barcode parser

GS1 Datamatrix parser for PHP compatible with official GS1 documentation

old docs

old docs

By @WireUi

The WireUI documentation

canada sale tax api

canada sale tax api

API to retrieve canadian federal and provincial tax rates. Documentation and endpoints on the website:

so dev examples

so dev examples

Some code examples for developer documentation.

silverstripe docsviewer

silverstripe docsviewer

Documentation generator that powers and your own projects

laravel coding guidelines

laravel coding guidelines

Laravel Coding Guidelines and Good Practices



📖 Streamline your Laravel package development with automatic facade documentation using Docgen for Laravel.



Extendable Documentation Platform written in Laravel 5. Generate easy and awesome documentation!

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