laravel conceal

laravel conceal

By @Wouter

Conceal data in an array or collection

microservice remote models

microservice remote models

A Lumen package to provide a familiar model paradigm for distributed data.

laravel data dumper

laravel data dumper

Adding data from certain tables when executing the `php artisan schema:dump` console command

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yahoo finance api

Get historical prices, quotes, financial data, option chain, for all world ticker based on Yahoo Finance

primevue datatables

primevue datatables

Easy Laravel Server-Side implementation of PrimeVue Datatables

signed url

signed url

Enhanced signed URLs for Laravel, including attaching data, click limits and expiry.

laravel grid view

laravel grid view

This package is to displaying the model data in a Grid table.



Realtime work app, collaborate with your colleagues, see your friend is on the same channel, talk with them via web...

data import

data import

Laravel Enso XLSX Data Import package, built around the box/spout library, with templating, easy validation and more, for painless imports

laravel inertia dataproviders

laravel inertia dataproviders

Data providers encapsulate logic for Inertia views, keep your controllers clean and simple.

Laravel Database Jsonable

Laravel Database Jsonable

Laravel package to fill and retrieve easily your database fields in json format

laravel datatables vite

laravel datatables vite

Laravel DataTables with Vite

laravel nestedupdater

laravel nestedupdater

Package for allowing updating of nested Eloquent model relations using a single nested data array.



By @Muah

create menus that support page (multiLocale "title, url, body, ...", nesting, template, static/dynamic data, roles & permissions).

laravel database advisory lock

laravel database advisory lock

By @mpyw

Advisory Locking Features for Postgres/MySQL/MariaDB on Laravel

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