laravel api templates

laravel api templates

Laravel API starter kit collection using different structures.

laravel hours helper

laravel hours helper

Create a Collection of dates/times with a specific interval for a specific period.

lazy json

lazy json

🐼 Framework-agnostic package to load JSON of any dimension and from any source into Laravel lazy collections recursively.



A collection of tools made to help you create and edit subtitles in different formats (Subrip, WebVTT, Substation Alpha...)

uri schemes

uri schemes

Collection of URI Immutable Value Objects

enum concern

enum concern

By @Emre

A PHP package for effortless Enumeration handling with Laravel Collections 📦 ✨

opencensus php

opencensus php

A stats collection and distributed tracing framework

json api client

json api client


A PHP package for mapping remote {json:api} resources to Eloquent like models and collections.

WHMCS Action Hook Factory

WHMCS Action Hook Factory

Free collection of Action Hooks, Reports and Modules to perfect your WHMCS

meta environment

meta environment

A collection of scripts that provision the official websites into a Varying Vagrant Vagrants installation.



By @fp4php

PHP Functional Programming library. Monads, common use functions and generic collections.

yii user management

yii user management

a user management module collection for the yii framework



:muscle: Support package is a collection of helpers and tools for ARCANEDEV + Laravel projects.

faker provider collection

faker provider collection

A collection of custom providers for the Faker PHP library

php mongodb admin

php mongodb admin

A PHP MongoDB Admin script for managing databases, collections and documents from a standalone easy to use script.

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