Movie Project

Movie Project

An angular exercise-project that searches movies and makes local storage collections (a provided now a normal backend to store collections)

laravel generator ui

laravel generator ui

By @CSlant

Laravel Generator UI is a collection of HTML, CSS, and JS files that implement a clean, responsive, and customizable UI...

laravel gridview

laravel gridview

Genera una tabla HTML con datos de array de Eloquent/Collections.

laravel crud

laravel crud

Collection Information for User details( Name, email, Bio, Profile pic)



[EN] [React/Laravel] News collection app - gather articles from other services



A collection of helper functions in Go inspired by Laravel helpers

lumineframe be

lumineframe be

The backend repository utilizes Laravel framework to handle data management, authentication, and server-side functionalities. With Laravel's robust features, LumineFrame ensures...

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