magento cachebuster

magento cachebuster

A Magento 1.x module which facilitates automatic purging of static assets from HTTP caches such as browser cache, CDN, Varnish,...

magneto varnish

magneto varnish

Magento extension that implements full page caching using Varnish



HTML Cache plugin for Craft CMS: make Craft faster!



By @Apix

A thin PSR-6 cache wrapper with a generic interface to various caching backends emphasising cache tagging and indexing.

Slim HttpCache

Slim HttpCache

Slim Framework HTTP cache middleware and service provider

cache enabler

cache enabler

By @KeyCDN

A lightweight caching plugin for WordPress that makes your website faster by generating static HTML files.

extended template parts

extended template parts

A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress template parts, including template variables and caching.

laravel cacheable

laravel cacheable

By @Rinvex

⚠️ [ABANDONED] Rinvex Cacheable is a granular, intuitive, and fluent caching system for eloquent models. Simple, but yet powerful, plug-n-play...



SmartOptimizer is an open source PHP program that enhances your website performance by optimizing the front-end using techniques such as...

craft asset rev

craft asset rev

A Craft CMS plugin to help with cache busting

adapter common

adapter common

[READ-ONLY] Common classes for PSR-6 Cache pools



A lightweight filesystem caching system



By @Liip

DEPRECATED! This bundle is superseded by FOSHttpCacheBundle. A migration guide is in the README of LiipCacheControlBundle



By @Webiny

[NOT MAINTAINED] A full-featured PHP framework powering the server side of Webiny Platform. Can also be used as standalone library.

API RESTful con Laravel Guia Definitiva

API RESTful con Laravel Guia Definitiva

Repositorio para el código base del curso "API RESTful con Laravel - Guía Definitiva"

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