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PHP implementation of HOTP/TOTP 2-factor authentication with Google Authenticator app
Updated 10 years ago

Implements an interface to access Google Authenticator functionality

Supports both counter-based (HOTP) and time-based (TOTP) authentication mechanisms

Is loosely based on other publicly available implementations: 1) by Michael Kliewe 2) by Patrick Lambert

This class uses base32 encoding and decoding by Bryan Ruiz


1)  When user is registered or enrolled into 2 factor authentication, generate a unique key for them with getNewKey()
    That key should be stored as it will be used every time user attempts to authenticate

2)  Call getQrCodeUrl() to show them a QR code to set up their authenticator app
    If the QR code cannot be used or is not desired, ask user to enter the generated key into their app manually
    It is possible to set up two kind of accounts in the app - counter- and time-based

3)  Once user's app is initialised, ask for that value when user needs to be authenticated and call
    verifyCode() supplying the value provided.
    The client must be set into a proper mode - counter or time-based (depending on what QR code user has been given)

Could be freely used and distributed as long as attributed to Yuriy Akopov (