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Laravel crud api

REST API for Vue CRUD project, built in PHP and Laravel
Updated 3 months ago

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Laravel CRUD API


Laravel CRUD API is an API written using PHP and Laravel, dedicated to as a backend to the Vue CRUD project. The project includes templates withmigrations, models and controllers associated with the Vue CRUD templates.


  • PHP 7.x,
  • Composer


Follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download this project,
  2. Open command line and go to the project directory,
  3. Type:
composer install
  1. Create database(s) for your project,
  2. Create .env file based on .env.example and configure your project,
  3. Type:
php artisan key:generate
  1. Type:
php artisan load-template

and select one of available templates

  1. Type:
php artisan migrate
  1. Run seeders if available,
  2. Type:
php artisan serve


The Laravel CRUD API is application licensed under the MIT license.