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Php ratelimit

PHP Rate Limiting Library With Leaky Bucket Algorithm with minimal external dependencies
Updated 11 months ago

PHP RateLimit

PHP Rate Limiting Library With Leaky Bucket Algorithm with minimal external dependencies.


composer require jdimitrov/php-ratelimit

Storage Adapters

The PHP Rate Limit needs to know where to store data.

Depending on which adapter you install, you may need to install additional libraries (predis/predis) or PHP extensions (e.g. Redis, Memcached, APC)


Add uses:

use JDimitrov\RateLimit\RateLimit;
use JDimitrov\RateLimit\Adapter\APC as APCAdapter;
use JDimitrov\RateLimit\Adapter\Redis as RedisAdapter;
use JDimitrov\RateLimit\Adapter\Predis as PredisAdapter;
use JDimitrov\RateLimit\Adapter\Memcached as MemcachedAdapter;
$adapter = new RedisAdapter((new \Redis()->connect('localhost'))); // Use Redis as Storage

// Alternatives:
// $adapter = new PredisAdapter(new \Predis\Predis(['tcp://'])); // Use Predis as Storage
// $memcache = new \Memcached();
// $memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211);
// $adapter = new MemcacheAdapter($memcache); 
// $adapter = new APCAdapter(); // Use APC as Storage

$key = 'ratelimit';
// $key = 'ratelimit' . ':' .  $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // You can append identificator, if you want to narrow your limits to specific ip address or to something else

$rate_limit = new RateLimit($key, 100, 1, $adapter); // 100 requests per second

if ($rate_limit->check(30)) { // Try to consume 30 requests
    // Success
} else {
    // Failed (leaked bucket)