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Open Up Media start theme for Drupal 7
Updated 1 year ago

OUM Breeze start theme for Drupal 7

Breeze is the Open Up Media D7 start theme. We started on this years ago, but recently updated it, including clever bits from other themes (look at the credits below).

This theme contains the following features

  • Mobile first approach.
  • Integrated nested responsive navigation.
  • Sass integration
  • No grid integration. Make or integrate your own if needed.
  • Modernizr 3 support.
  • No cruft. This theme gets rid of some Drupal default css, and only includes a bare minimum of gui theming stuff. Use this as a starting point, to build your own theme
  • We've tried to keep the css specificity as low as possible.

How to use the OUM Breeze start theme

This theme is not meant to be used as a base theme. Instead, rename and edit it directly. Any upgrades will not be backwards compatible.

  1. Edit the directory name to fit your theme name.
  2. Edit the .info filename to <themename>.info.
  3. Change all function names in the template-*.php files to your theme name.
  4. Modify the contents of your <themename>.info file to suit its new name.
  5. Delete change this file.
  6. Theme away...


  • This theme should work in all browsers, except IE7 & below
  • We add all our css & js files via template-preprocess.php, instead of using the .info for this.

Useful references & Drupal modules

Acknowledgements & Credits


Bits & pieces

We used bits & pieces from several other themes and snippets we found. These are the some we remember, in random order.

Tags breeze php