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Starter theme

Wordpress starter theme for OLCs
Updated 4 years ago

Starter Theme

Basic Info

  • Theme Name: starter-theme
  • Local Site URL: starter.loc
  • Landing Pages: Custom Post Type
  • Start Date Location: Custom Post Type

Quick Start

  1. Under Appearance > Themes, activate the new theme.
  2. Under Tools > Install Plugins, make sure that the required plugins are installed and activated.
  3. Under Custom Fields, sync all available fields to set up the included starting fields (see ACF docs for more info).
  4. If required, pull down the latest live database with Tools > Migrate DB Pro (see docs for more info).
  5. Make sure to update directoryName in theme.config.js to the directory name of the theme.
  6. Run the following from the theme root:
# Install dependencies
npm install

# Create a file called .env and edit it so that DEV_URL to your local dev URL
cp .env.sample .env

# Development
npm run dev

# Production
npm run build

Required Plugins

This theme uses TGM Plugin Activation to help install and activate plugins essential to the theme's functionality. If additional plugins are required for core theme features, make sure to add it to wp-plugins.json in the theme root. Refer to TGMPA's documentation for all available options when requiring plugins.


Directory Structure

All commands are ran from root level of theme. This is where package.json lives. Configuration for development and building for production is handled by webpack.mix.js

Source files

Source assets are in the src directory

Production/Build Files

Production files are inside public directory