Best laravel framework open-source packages.

Laravel rest apis logger

Small package that can helps in debugging with API logs for Laravel Project.
Updated 1 year ago

Rest APIs Logger

This is a small package that can helps in debugging with API logs.


  1. Install the package via composer
composer require tfspl/restlogger


  1. Publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider="TF\Providers\RestLogsServiceProvider"

The config file is called restlogs.php. Currently supported drivers are db, file and redis.

By default the logger will use file to log the data. If you want to use redis for logging make sure

that you have installed the laravel package predis/predis. But if you want to use Database for logging,

migrate table by using below command.

You can also configure which fields should not be logged like passwords, secrets, etc.

You dont need to migrate if you are just using file driver

php artisan migrate
  1. Add middleware named restlogger to the route or controller you want to log data

  2. Dashboard can be accessible via

Clear the logs

You can permenently clear the logs by using the following command.

php artisan restlogs:clear