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Roadrunner jobs

:electric_plug: RoadRunner Jobs (Queue) SDK
Updated 1 year ago

RoadRunner Jobs Plugin

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This repository contains the codebase PHP bridge using RoadRunner Jobs plugin.


To install application server and Jobs codebase

composer require spiral/roadrunner-jobs

You can use the convenient installer to download the latest available compatible version of RoadRunner assembly:

composer require spiral/roadrunner-cli --dev
vendor/bin/rr get


First you need to add at least one jobs adapter to your RoadRunner configuration. For example, such a configuration would be quite feasible to run:

  listen: tcp://

  command: php consumer.php
  relay: pipes

  consume: [ "local" ]
      driver: memory
        priority: 10
        prefetch: 10000

Note Read more about all available drivers on the documentation page.

After starting the server with this configuration, one driver named local will be available to you.



The following code will allow writing and reading an arbitrary value from the RoadRunner server.


use Spiral\RoadRunner\Jobs\Jobs;
use Spiral\Goridge\RPC\RPC;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Jobs service
$jobs = new Jobs(RPC::create('tcp://'));

// Select "local" pipeline from jobs
$queue = $jobs->connect('local');

// Create task prototype with default headers
$task = $queue->create('ping', '{"site": ""}') // Create task with "echo" name
    ->withHeader('attempts', 4) // Number of attempts to execute the task
    ->withHeader('retry-delay', 10); // Delay between attempts

// Push "echo" task to the queue
$task = $queue->dispatch($task);

var_dump($task->getId() . ' has been queued');


The following code will allow you to read and process the task from the RoadRunner server.


use Spiral\RoadRunner\Jobs\Consumer;
use Spiral\RoadRunner\Jobs\Task\ReceivedTaskInterface;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$consumer = new Spiral\RoadRunner\Jobs\Consumer();

/** @var Spiral\RoadRunner\Jobs\Task\ReceivedTaskInterface $task */
while ($task = $consumer->waitTask()) {
    try {
        $name = $task->getName(); // "ping"
        $queue = $task->getQueue(); // "local"
        $driver = $queue->getDriver(); // "memory"
        $payload = $task->getPayload(); // {"site": ""}
        // Process task

    } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        $task->fail($e, requeue: true);
try Spiral Framework


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information. Maintained by Spiral Scout.

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