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Encrypt hash password php

Example of an encrypted password hash storage in PHP
Updated 3 years ago

Hash and encrypt, PHP examples

Example of an encrypted password hash storage in PHP, uses bcrypt for hashing and AES-128 in CBC mode for encryption. It uses defuse/php-encryption package for crypto operations. Do not encrypt just the passwords, encrypt only password hashes for extra security.


  • Install defuse/php-encryption via Composer first, or at least copy the Crypto.php file to your project
  • Don't write your own encryption functions


Generate 128-bit key (in PHP hexdec-chars string) using

  • echo preg_replace('/(..)/', '\x$1', bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)));
  • or by running openssl rand -hex 16 | sed s/\\\(..\\\)/\\\\x\\1/g in bash

The key should be stored in the following format: "\xf3\x49\xf9\x4a\x0a\xb2 ...". Do NOT encode the $key with bin2hex() or base64_encode() or similar, they may leak the key to the attacker through side channels.



Simple tests are included, run them with php tests/hash.php and php tests/encrypthash.php.