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LaraCron with Gmail Notification

LaraCron Is Just a Laravel project having Laravel Auth, Cron, Email Verification as well as Send Custom Mail feature To your Gmail Address.
Updated 5 years ago


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LaraCron is a basic laravel project having cool features of laravel using MySql Database.LaraCron is just a simple mini project having following features:-

  • [Laravel Installation].
  • [Laravel Authentication].
  • [Verify email via your Gmail Account].
  • [Laravel Cron Job].
  • [Send Cusom Mail to your Gmail].


Run the below command to create your laravel project-

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel "Your Project Name"

Above command will create your project with latest laravel configuration. you can check your project configuration in your Composer.json file.

Go to the terminal, enter in your project folder using cd "project path" command now run your project using below command

php artisan serve

It will give following result in your terminal- Laravel development server started: Go in your browser and run your project using this url. A laravel Welcome page will be appear.

Database Configuration

Let's set up your database configuration. Create a database for your project in your MySql database, then go to your project folder find .env file. Fill following fields for your database configuration

DB_DATABASE="Your database name"

you can set your project name in

APP_NAME="Your project name"

Making Laravel Auth

Let's create Laravel authentication for your project, run the following command to create Laravel Auth.

php artisan make:auth

Once command run successfully you can check your file configuration, In App > Http > Controllers there will be an Auth folder added. that means your laravel Authentication is done. Again run your project, you can see in your browser two new links will appeared LOGIN, REGISTRATION.

Laravel provides 2 migrations table for laravel authentication, let's migrate it. Go in your terminal run the below command- php artisan migrate Now check your database 2 new tables will be generated.

Setup Gmail Configuration

Again Go in Your .env file and set your Mail Configuration Like below-


Note that Mail password will be your Gmail App password. To find your Gmail App password, go to "", Go in Security tab, there will be a App Password field, go for that, Select the app as mail and device as Window Computer, then generate. Congrat's, this will be your Gmail App Password, put it into your .env MAIL_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxx field. Now your Gmail set up is Done!!.

Email Verification

Let's go for email verification- Go to your User Model (User.php) File. Just Use- use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail; and implements MustVerifyEmail your code will look like some thing-


Well, Now Go for your Routing, Go in your web.php file. Provide Auth route verification as true,and in your basic Home page just provide middleware as verified. So it will look's like something-


Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home')->middleware('verified');

Let's Run your Project- Go for registration and register a User with will redirected to URL. So, Check your gmail inbox and verify email. Check your Database your user will be added and in email.

Add Cron Job

In this project we are scheduling the cron for salary of a User. Salary will be increased at a Cron Specific time. So let's do that- Add one more field in your User table. go to User Model and Add "Salary" Field. It will look's like this.

protected $fillable = [
        'name', 'email', 'password', 'salary',

Now Add salary field in your "User" migration table File, it will located at App > database > migrations >create_users_table.

Now Go to your database and drop User table. Now it's time to migrate your database. Run Command php artisan migrate

your Database is Set...

Let's create Cron Job For Salary, Run the following command to create Cron job

php artisan make:command cronUpdate

it will generate a cronUpdate.php file in command folder.

Initially two things are require to plane Cron Job 1-Signature 2-Description Provide it.

Your Core Cron Function for updating the salary will be add in handle Function. Initially I'm going for basic so just add a constant value in salary you can make it dynamic. It will looks like this-

 public function handle()
      $data = User::all();
      $increment= 100;
      foreach ($data as $row) {

Note down we are also going for sending a notification mail to user, to Notify them for salary updation so It will be discussed also, let it be-

Next thing is, To provide, salary Updation Time- Go to your Kernal.php file in the console folder. Go to Schedule function-

 protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
        // $schedule->command('inspire')
        //          ->hourly();

Provide what time you want to update salary, such as hourly, everyMinute, or monthly. Here I'm using everyMinute(), just for test purpose.

your cron Job is Completed To check it Just Run the Below command

php artisan schedule:run

Now Check your Database, User salary will be updated with 100 value.

Custom Send Mail

Let's Send a custom updated Salary Mail to user.

Run the Below Command-

php artisan make:mail salaryUpdate

It will create a Mail folder in your project with a salaryUpdate.php file.

Now Let's create a Mail Configuration, To set it just follow the steps-

create a UserCustom Folder inside your App. then create a SendMail.php file.

We are sending Mail At Salary Update, So go to your cronUpdate.php File.

we are sending mail using SendMail class and provides some Data, such as User Data(For to Email and Name), Salary , Increment. Something look Like this in your handle file..

public function handle()
      $data = User::all();
      $increment= 100;
      foreach ($data as $row) {
        // Log::info($row);
        $SendMail = new SendMail();
        $SendMail->updateCronSalary($row, $increment, $row->salary);


Note Down We are sending data using updateCronSalary() function. So let it define in your SendMail.php file. It will be looks like this-

namespace App\UserCustom;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use App\User;
use App\Mail\salaryUpdate;

class SendMail{
    public function updateCronSalary($user, $increment, $salary){
        Mail::to($user->email)->send(new salaryUpdate($user, $increment, $salary));

Next To Send Mail, Mail file should be intracted, So Go to Your Mail > salaryUpdate.php file. Define your Sending values as protected then send it via __construct().

Now catch the __construct().

value in your build function. So this file will be looks like this-


namespace App\Mail;

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

class salaryUpdate extends Mailable
    use Queueable, SerializesModels;

     * Create a new message instance.
     * @return void
    protected $user, $increment, $salary;
    public function __construct($user, $increment, $salary)
        $this->user = $user;
        $this->increment = $increment;
        $this->salary = $salary;

     * Build the message.
     * @return $this
    public function build()
        return $this->view('mail.salaryUpdate')
                    ->with('increment', $this->increment)
                    ->with('salary', $this->salary);

Note Down We are Sending a Custom Mail so it's time to create a mail template for this. Go to your resources > views Create mail folder and create a blade file.


and put your send mail value variable such as-

<h1>Greeting from TeamScorpion</h1>
<p>Hello <strong> {{$user->name}} </strong></p><br/>
<p> Your salary has been increased by <strong >{{ $increment }} &#8377;</strong><br/>
<p>  Your Total Salary is <strong> {{ $salary}} &#8377; </strong>
<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="" class="btn btn-primary">Go Back</a></p>

All Done

Let's Run. login your portal in browser. go to terminal-> Run Schedule Command php artisan schedule:run Now Check your Mail Inbox.

========================== Happy Coding ============================