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Fake admin honeypot V1.2

🍯 pH7CMS Modula to setup a honeypot fake Admin CP to secure your social/dating site. Basically it's a honeypot for the attackers/hackers and track their behaviour!
Updated 1 month ago

Honeypot Fake Admin Panel - pH7CMS Module

This is the latest version (1.2.0) of the Admin Honeypot Module

This is an effective and powerful honeypot fake admin CP for the security site. Honeypot for the attackers!

This module is only compatible with pH7CMS.

Finally, if you wish, you can get more information concerning Honeypot techniques here, or on my French ebook.

P.S. pH7CMS already includes tracking analytics to have a trace of the attacker on your website.


PHP 5.4.0 or newer + pH7CMS + pH7CMS's requirements.


Pierre-Henry Soria


Contact me at: ph7software [[AT]] gmail [[D0T]] com or at: hello [[AT]] ph7cms [[D0T]] com


General Public License 3 or later; Check LICENSE.txt file for more details.