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Trello voting

WordPress plugin for Apps4finland 2014 voting
Updated 9 years ago

Trello voting plugin for WordPress

Simple plugin for voting things in trello board.


  1. Upload zip to plugins directory and activate plugin.

  2. Add shortcode into that page where you want to show voting.

[trello_voting trello="JSON-DATA-URL" redirect="THANKS-PAGE" include_labels="LABELS"]
* Replace JSON-DATA-URL with address to your Trello board JSON export
* Replace THANKS-PAGE with address where results shortcode is
* Replace LABELS with label names what you want to show, if multiple labels use seperator |
  1. Add shortcode into that page where you want to show voting results
[trello_voting_results trello="JSON-DATA-URL" include_labels="LABELS"]
* Replace JSON-DATA-URL with same address as in voting shortcode
* Replace LABELS with label names what you want to show, if multiple labels use seperator |

Customizing layout

Customizing the visual output is quite simple. In your active theme directory make a new directory named trello-voting, copy voting.php and/or results.php from plugins/trello-voting/views/ to that directory and start modifying.

Note that you can't modify element id's or remove classes .description, .card and .more-link from elements. If you modify id's note that you need to change those also in trello_vote_js.js file.



Tags trello php