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Restful API template

Slim Framework: Restful API Template, use for back-end. Include with Eloquent ORM(Laravel 5)
Updated 5 years ago

Restful API Template

Restful API Template - use for creating a Restful API.


Slim Framework - Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.

Eloquent - The Eloquent ORM included with this template to provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. Each database table has a corresponding "Model" which is used to interact with that table.


utils - Currently I have a simple Session class. May add more in future

vendor - Contained 3rd Party Library

lib - Contained an extended class of Slim Framework

api - Contained a list of API scripts

config - Contained a list of Restful API configuration files


config/database.php - Set your database,username,password and host as necessary.


define('TITLE', 'S Web Service'); // Set your Restful API Title
define('BASE_URL','http://localhost/S/web/'); // Set your Web / System URL
define('WEBSERVICE_URL','http://localhost/S/api/'); // Set this Restful API Base URL
define('ADM',1); // This is the Administrator role, you may add other roles as well as needed

config/api.php - This is where a list of API available. The key is the API file which located in api folder, and the value inside is the list of roles(which set in config/definitions.php) that can access this API.

api - contained all of your API. See api/form.php for example and refer to Slim Framework Routing for more details.

I have previously written a post in my blog about Web Services: Slim Framework + Eloquent(Laravel). So, this is a clean up version of the back-end part. Can be reuse for other projects.

Feel free to visit my blog at for other things I've been working on.