Best laravel framework open-source packages.


Lightweight, conceptual, expandable query builder
Updated 2 years ago


Lightweight, expandable and easy-to-use query builder.



  • PHP 7.1+
  • PDO


Installtion via composer:

composer require mkgor/humble

Quick start


/** Initializing database manager */
$db = new \Humble\DatabaseManager([
    'connection' => [
        'db' => 'test',
        'host' => '',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => ''

/** After initializing, you can get any table from specified db */

/** @var Humble\Database\RepositoryInterface $user */
$user = $db->user;

/** @var stdClass $someUser */
$someUser = $user->get(1);

/** @var stdClass[] $administrators */
$administrators = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['admin' => 1])

$authorsAndTheirBooks = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Join('books', ['' => 'books.author_id'], \Humble\Query\Join::HUMBLE_LEFT_JOIN)

/** Creating new record */
    'name' => 'John Doe',  
    'admin' => 1

/** Updating record */
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['name' => 'John Doe'])
], [
    'name' => 'John Doe jr.'

/** Deleting record */
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['id' => 2])

Query building blocks

You can build complicated queries by using query building blocks. Query building block is a class, which add block of SQL code to query.


/** @var \Humble\Database\RepositoryInterface $user */
$user = $db->user;

$authorsAndTheirBooks = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Join('books', ['' => 'books.author_id'], \Humble\Query\Join::HUMBLE_LEFT_JOIN),
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['books.views','>',1000])

That code will generate SQL

SELECT * FROM `user` LEFT JOIN `books` `books_1234` ON = `books_1234`.author_id WHERE `books_1234`.views > 1000

Where, AndWhere, OrWhere

Adding WHERE to query


/** @var \Humble\Database\RepositoryInterface $user */
$user = $db->user;

// ... WHERE `admin` = 1
$administrators = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['admin' => 1])

// ... WHERE `admin` = 1 AND `registration_date` > '01-01-2020'
$newAdministrators = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['admin' => 1],['registration_date', '>' ,'01-01-2020'])

// Doing the same, but it is unsafe if you are putting non-escaped values into query
$inlineWhere = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Where('admin = 1 AND registration_date > "01-01-2020"')

// ... WHERE `name` = 'John Doe' OR (`name` = 'Sarah Doe')
$objectInWhere = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['name' => 'John Doe'], new \Humble\Query\OrWhere(['name' => 'Sarah Doe']))

// ... WHERE `name` = 'John Doe' OR (`name` = 'Sarah Doe' AND (`admin` = 1))
$complexWhere = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Where(['name' => 'John Doe']),
    new \Humble\Query\OrWhere(['name' => 'Sarah Doe'], new \Humble\Query\AndWhere(['admin' => 1]))


Adding JOIN into your query


/** @var \Humble\Database\RepositoryInterface $user */
$user = $db->user;

$authorsAndTheirBooks = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Join('books', ['' => 'books.author_id'], \Humble\Query\Join::HUMBLE_LEFT_JOIN),

$outerJoinFlagDemo = $user->getBy([
    new \Humble\Query\Join('books', ['' => 'books.author_id'], \Humble\Query\Join::HUMBLE_LEFT_JOIN, [\Humble\Query\Join::HUMBLE_OUTER_JOIN_FLAG]),

List of all constants


List of all flags