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Laravel logs manager

🪞 Set of Artisan commands to handler the storage folder
Updated 1 month ago

Laravel Logs Manager

Set of Artisan commands to handle the logs folder


Laravel is a great framework but it lacks on some specific tools like this kind of commands, since it's possible to extend Laravel itself I've took the plunge.

How to use

Piece of cake. Grab a copy from composer composer require ludo237/laravel-logs-manager and it's done if you run php artisan you will see a new set of commands

Single Command Explanation (SCE)

php artisan log:archive [options] [--] [<name>]

The first command is all about reducing the space used by logs by archiving them in a fancy .zip file. You can pass an optional name for the archive, by default the name will be logs_archive_{date} with date taken directly from Carbon using now()->toDateString().

Remember: The {date} attribute is based on your date settings

The command also accepts a --remove options which means that it will try to delete the archive with the given name.

php artisan log:clear [options]

The clear command will try to flush your logs directory by removing all the logs file inside it. It will ask for confirmation, the action is irreversible.

If you pass the --force option to the command it won't ask for confirmation.

php artisan log:dummy [options] [--] [<name>]

This command is really useful when testing stuff and you need to populate the logs folder for any reason. It accepts a name as an argument and by default every log will be called laravel_dummy_log_{n} with {n} and incremental number. It also has an --quantity options which determines the number of dummy log that the command will create for you, by default is set to one.

php artisan log:list

It shows all the logs in a fancy CLI table.

php artisan log:remove [options]

It can remove a log by its name. It also accepts a --all option which basically mimics the log:clear logic by removing all the logs inside the selected storage folder

How to contribute

Please see the contribute file file for more information