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Medialibrary gcs url generator

Custom URL generator for spatei/medialibrary that generators URLs for files stored on Google Cloud Storage using Superbalist/laravel-google-cloud-storage
Updated 3 years ago

This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.

Media Library GCS URL Generator

A Laravel package to allow you to generate URLs for media managed by spatie/laravel-medialibrary when it is stored on a Google Cloud Storage filesystem (using Superbalist/laravel-google-cloud-storage).


Add the package to your Laravel project using composer:

$ composer require leewillis77/medialibrary-gcs-url-generator


Set the class as the custom_url_generator_class in config/medialibrary.php:

'custom_url_generator_class' => 'Leewillis77\MedialibraryGcsUrlGenerator\MedialibraryGcsUrlGenerator',