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A dead simple Craft3 plugin that makes lazy loading your images a breeze.
Updated 1 year ago

LazyFox for Craft CMS 3.x

A dead simple plugin that makes lazy loading your images a breeze. Icon attribution: Fox by ester barbato from the Noun Project.

Key features

  • lazy load images to make web pages more responsive and fluid
  • source-sets: LazyFox generates a bunch of different sizes of your images and makes the browser load only the image with needed size, avoiding the download of images that are bigger than what the viewport can render, resulting in faster load-time
  • displaying awesome placeholders that are embeded into the HTML code while image loads
  • easy to use API that is native to Craft and Twig
  • uses the latest and greatest HTML5 and JS APIs such as MutationObserver, ResizeObserver and Intersection API. Has polyfills included.
  • lightweight: 7kB JavaScript, <1kB CSS
  • noscript fallback
  • Imager support. Uses Imager for resizing when available.

With LazyFox document jumping is a thing of the past!



This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.


While it's recommended to install LazyFox from the Craft plugin store, if you want to, you can install it manually by following these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require janhuenermann/lazyfox
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for lazyfox.

Using lazyfox

To make images lazy-load, simply use the image function in Twig.


Creates a picture tag enabled for lazy-loading.


asset: An instance of craft\elements\Asset


<div class=my-images>
{% for myImage in entry.myImageField %}
{{ image(myImage) }}
{% endfor %}

Note: Make sure that if you cache the result, that you still include the assets (JavaScript & CSS) required by LazyFox. You can do this in Twig using {% do view.registerAssetBundle('janhuenermann\lazyfox\assetbundles\Lazyfox\LazyfoxAsset') %}

Configuring lazyfox

On the settings page you can choose between different lazy load styles and set the image sizes included in the source-set (srcset attribute).

Code output

After the image has been loaded by LazyFox the resulting HTML structure will look something like the following.

<picture class="lazyfox --no-progress --transition --pixelated">
    	srcset="/images/_900x800_crop_center-center_none/a.jpg 900w, /images/_1800x1600_crop_center-center_none/a.jpg 1800w" 

As you can see it produces a HTML5 picture element. The underlying img's sizes attribute in this case is automatically set by LazyFox in order to load the best fitting image.

Styling lazy-loaded images in CSS

As the generated code differs slightly from a plain img-tag, it can sometimes be tricky to style the image in a desired way. However with LazyFox it's quite simple. Just target the image inside the picture tag for any img based properties such as object-fit, object-position etc. If you want to adjust the size or anything that has to do with the border box of the element, simply target the picture element itself.

By default, LazyFox makes the picture tag 100% of the width. But that's easy to change. Keep in mind that it's recommended to use percentages in order to guarantee responsiveness across devices.

A basic example for how to create a lazy-loading square image that doesn't stretch:

main .lazyfox {
	width: 300px;
	height: 300px;

main .lazyfox img {
	object-fit: cover;

Plugin by Jan Hünermann.

Icon attribution: Fox by ester barbato from the Noun Project

Tags breeze php