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Social network to manage TV shows and episodes & find friends. Using Vue.js and Laravel.
Updated 5 years ago

mundoDS 📺

This is a mini social network to manage TV shows and episodes followed by the user & find friends that like the same shows!

The application is written in Vue.js and Laravel.

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Start the development 💻

git clone
composer install

Fill out the .env.example with your variables, then remove the .example

php artisan key:generate
npm install

Migrations and seeder 🍄

Check the database info on the .env file.

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

Running and serving the application 🚀

npm run dev
php artisan serve

Go to http://localhost:8000/.

Troubleshooting ❌

  • If an error (like ELIFECYCLE) comes up when running npm run dev, try deleting the node_modules folder then running npm install again.
  • Make sure Laravel is updated.