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Contextual logging in Laravel
Updated 6 months ago

Laravel Loggable

Contextual logging in Laravel.

Usually, when your Laravel application has become quite large and complex, you start to facing the problem of a large number of logs from different places in the application, and sometimes also from different processes (queue workers, daemons, etc.).

When you are facing some problem in your application and trying to figure out, it can be difficult to track by log entries the process of the application execution when processing the user request (or, for example, processing a console command).

What It Does

This package adds to the log entries:

  • execution context of the application, so that helps you just by looking at the entry easier understand where log entry exactly comes from
  • process id (PID) that combines all log entries corresponding to the specific process (queue worker, daemon etc.)
  • unique identifier that combines all log entries corresponding to the processing of a single user request (or, for example, the execution of a single console command)

Log entries will be looks like this:

[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.NOTICE: [App\Services\OrderService] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Order was created

In addition, this package adds the ability to:

  • easy to send important log entries also as email notifications
  • send email notifications when exceptions occurred


composer require faustoff/laravel-loggable


Optionally, if you want to send log/exception notifications to email you should configure LOGGABLE_ADDRESSES environment variable. This variable should be comma separated string of email addresses. Also, you should now that any of notifications will be queued. You can configure LOGGABLE_LOG_QUEUE and LOGGABLE_EXCEPTION_QUEUE environment variables to override default queues.


Suppose you have kind of OrderService in your application.

To add contextual logging to OrderService this service should implements LoggableInterface and use Faustoff\Loggable\Logging\Loggable trait with methods like $this->logInfo() which this trait provides:


namespace App\Services;

use Faustoff\Loggable\Logging\Loggable;
use Faustoff\Loggable\Logging\LoggableInterface;

class OrderService implements LoggableInterface
    use Loggable;

    public function order(): void
        // You business logic here
        // Just a log message
        $this->logSuccess('Order was created');
        // Log message with context data
        $this->logSuccess('Order was created', ['key' => 'value']);
        // Log message and email notification with context data
        $this->logSuccess('Order was created', ['key' => 'value'], true);


[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.NOTICE: [App\Services\OrderService] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Order was created
[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.NOTICE: [App\Services\OrderService] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Order was created {"key":"value"}
[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.NOTICE: [App\Services\OrderService] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Order was created {"key":"value"}

Optionally, if you wants to add contextual logging in to application console commands, you can use Faustoff\Loggable\Console\Loggable trait. It extends basic Faustoff\Loggable\Logging\Loggable with specific for console commands logging by adding additional debug log entries when console commands starts and finish with execution time and peak memory usage.


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Faustoff\Loggable\Logging\LoggableInterface;
use Faustoff\Loggable\Console\Loggable;

class SyncData extends Command implements LoggableInterface
    use Loggable;

    protected $signature = 'data:sync';

    public function handle(): int
        // You business logic here
        $this->logSuccess('Data was synced');

        return self::SUCCESS;


[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.DEBUG: [App\Console\Commands\SyncData] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Run with arguments {"command":"data:sync"}
[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.NOTICE: [App\Console\Commands\SyncData] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Data was synced
[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.DEBUG: [App\Console\Commands\SyncData] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Execution time: 1 second
[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.DEBUG: [App\Console\Commands\SyncData] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Peak memory usage: 4 MB.

Finally, if you have multiple levels of logging context you can pass "parent" loggable to "child" by using HasLog trait.

Suppose you have "parent" logging context OrderController and "child" OrderService and you want to pass OrderController logging context to OrderService.


namespace App\Services\OrderService;

use Faustoff\Loggable\Logging\HasLog;

class OrderService
    use HasLog;
    public function order()
        // ...
        $this->log->logSuccess('Order was created');

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Logging\Loggable;
use App\Logging\LoggableInterface;
use App\Services\OrderService;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;

class OrderController extends Controller implements LoggableInterface
    use Loggable;
    public function store()
        (new OrderService())


[2023-03-07 19:26:26] local.NOTICE: [App\Http\Controllers\OrderController] [PID:56] [UID:640765b20b1c0] Order was created

Exception notifications

Optionally, if you want to send exception notifications to email, you should register exception handling callback and add ExceptionOccurredNotificationFailedException to ignore in App\Exceptions\Handler of your application to prevent infinite loop if exception notification becomes to fail:


namespace App\Exceptions;

use App\Notifications\ExceptionOccurred;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;

class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
    protected $dontReport = [
    public function register()
        $this->reportable(function (\Throwable $e) {
            // TODO: rewrite to LOGGABLE_ENABLED true/false in config
            if (!App::environment('testing')) {
                try {
                    Notification::route('mail', config('loggable.mail_addresses'))
                        ->notify(new ExceptionOccurred($e))
                } catch (\Throwable $e) {
                    Log::error("Unable to queue exception occurred notification: {$e}");
Tags log logs