Best laravel framework open-source packages.

Updated 3 years ago

The pet project (MVP) by Laravel + VueJs (websocket, broadcasting, api) for learning websocket & sortable (draggable). Hot reloading was made just for tasks sorting.

Project setup

1. vagrant up
2. vagrant ssh
3. cd code
4. npm install && npm run dev (or yarn install because strange bug happens sometimes)
5. composer install
6. art migrate --seed

7. repeat 1-3 steps in the second terminal
8. art queue:work

9. repeat 1-3 steps in the third terminal
10. art websocket:serve

11. art test (in the first terminal)
12. add to hosts file
13. change path to your project's folder in the Homestead.yaml

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Hot reloading works just for tasks sorting

Tags trello php