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ReactJS / Next.js helpers for Laravel
Updated 4 months ago


React / NextJS Helper for Laravel Developers

npm i conjoined

This package assumes you already have a backend API setup with Laravel and a frontend app built with Next JS. If not, checkout the official Laravel Breeze + Next.js repo to get started.. makes getting started a breeze..


Using this Laravel api endpoint & response for example:

Route::get('users/{user}', [UserController::class, 'show']);
public function show(User $user)
    return [
        'user' => $user,

Client Side Rendering

Call usePage from /pages/users/[user].js and a request to /users/1 on your backend API will take place on mount and any data returned becomes asychronous props for your component.

import { usePage } from "conjoined"

export default User = () => {
    const {loading, user} = usePage();
    if(loading) {
        return <p>loading..</p>

    return (

Server Side Rendering

The api is requested when the server renders the page and passes the response data as props. So /users/[user].js requests /users/1 automatically for you.

export { getServerSideProps } from "conjoined"

export default User = ({ user }) => {

    return (


The form hook makes native forms as simple as declaring the values and binding to inputs.

Here is a full example with a detailed explanation below.

import { useForm, Error } from "conjoined"

const form = useForm({
    name: '',
    email: '',

form.success(data => {    

return (
    <form action="/users/new" onSubmit={form.submit}>
        <Error value={} />


        <Error value={} />

        <button type="submit">

element: form

action: is the endpoint

onSubmit: binds submit button click

element: input

name tells form.bind the data key to set from useForm

onChange={form.bind} binds the input event value to that name

component: Error

A component that makes conditionally rendering errors clean.

Comes with default tailwind text-red-500 but override with className

method: form.success()

Register a callback that receives the API response data.

Use this to clear the form or redirect to a new destination.

method: form.set(key, value)

Manually set a specific key to a value

method: form.reset()

Clears all inputs to initial state


I added cypress to test end to end with Next.js within /app