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Laravel migration generator

Generate migrations based on existing tables
Updated 2 months ago

Laravel4 Migration Generator

Generate migrations based on existing tables

You might want to checkout which is similar to this package, but is developed more recently and is using way/generators version 2.x. My package is still on 1.x and I'll have to see when/if I can upgrade. This package does still work, but isn't actively supported currently

Require this package in your composer.json:

"barryvdh/laravel-migration-generator": "dev-master"

And update dependencies using composer:

composer update

And add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php


You can now generate the migration by running the command, followed by the tables you want to generate

php artisan migration-generate posts,users

Your migrations will be created in app/database/migrations

Migrations are generated by This assumes the key is 'id' and timestamps (created_at/updated_at) are generated by default.