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Laravel otp

One time password (OTP) generator and verifier for Laravel :calling:
Updated 1 year ago

Laravel OTP

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One time password (OTP) generator and verifier.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require "ankurk91/laravel-otp"

Publish the config file (optional)

You can publish the config file into your project.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ankurk91\LaravelOTP\OTPServiceProvider" --tag="config"


You can use the global helper function

$phoneNumber = '+1234567890';

$secret = otp()->generate($phoneNumber, 6)
// You can send $secret via SMS/Email to user

otp()->match($phoneNumber, request('otp'));


or you can use Facade

use Ankurk91\LaravelOTP\Facades\OTP;

$secret = OTP::generate($phoneNumber)

Note The OTP will be stored in default cache storage.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


composer test


If you discover any security issues, please email pro.ankurk1[at]gmail[dot]com instead of using the issue tracker.

This packages does not follow the HOTP or TOTP specification.


The MIT License.