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Behat seed

Getting going on behat
Updated 7 years ago

Behat Seed Repo

The aim of this repo is to make it super easy to get going with behat. All you will need to get outside of this repo is

  • Selenium Jar file download
  • Composer
  • Saucelabs Account (Optional)

After you install and setup those items you will be able to run tests locally or via Saucelabs and have a base setup to add new/custom steps as needed.

Selenium Easy

This is the one jar file you need

The trick though is getting Java for your OS. For me, a Mac, I had to go here ie avoid Oracles horrible download process at all costs. Linux is easy and Windows I am not sure about.

Once you have Java and Selenium open a terminal and go to the folder you will be keeping selenium and type

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar

This will output a lot of info to the screen and will remain running as you work. This line shows it is running

14:21:08.171 INFO - Started SocketListener on

So now we can connect to that port later on.


This is a great way to manage PHP dependencies and just enjoy the numerous libraries out there.

The install is pretty easy just type

$ php composer.phar install

And then move that into /use/bin on your machine so you can now run it from anywhere. (this may take sudo powers)

Behat Install

Finally download the repo to a folder that you will store tests for a site or many sites.

For example

cd /opt
git clone

Then cd into behat-seed and lets start the composer install

cd behat-seed
composer install --prefer-dist

Comeback in 20 minutes (or less hopefully)

After that you should be able to run

bin/behat --help

Layout of files and folders

This download and build of composer will leave you with this layout.

|  --bootstrap
|      FeatureContext.php
|    wikipedia.feature
|    wikipedia_tokens.feature
|  behat

Tests will be where we store the behat.yml file and tests files. We will explore that more in a moment.

Tests has a folder called features. In here we store our actual tests called *.feature. Example wikipedia.feature.

Files is for storing files for a vanilla behat example.

Vendor is for composer as well as composer.lock and composer.json

Bin which stores behat only for now (really a symlink to the right area).

Finally dummy-site to run a php server for use to quickly test against.

Exploring our configuration

To start we are going to look at behat.yml so open up that file and you should see this in your editor. Keep in mind it is YAML format. So if you get errors then look for tabs and other formats that break YAML. Stick to spaces.

Looking at the file

    features:  /opt/behat-seed/tests/features
    bootstrap: /opt/behat-seed/tests/features/bootstrap
    name: pretty
              urlFilePath: tests/urls.yml
              selectorFilePath: tests/selectors.yml
              assetPath: path
              timeout: 30
                UIBusinessSelector: ~
      default_session: selenium2
      goutte: null
      selenium2: ~
      base_url: 'http://localhost:8080'
      browser_name: safari

      javascript_session: selenium2
      browser: safari
      show_cmd: open %s
      urlFilePath: tests/urls.yml
      selectorFilePath: tests/selectors.yml
      assetPath: path
      timeout: 30
        UIBusinessSelector: ~

      default_session: selenium2
      base_url: ''
        browser: chrome
        wd_host: ''
          platform: 'Windows 2012'
          browser: chrome
          version: '26'
          name: 'Behat See'
          command-timeout: '600'
          max-duration: '600'

We will cover the details shortly.

Running the local server

I included a simple php server and some test pages to try this out against To get it going

cd dummy-site
php -S

And you now can visit that url to see a site with numerous things to click and move.

Now What

With all of this setup, selenium running then you can just run, for example, this command

bin/behat --config tests/behat.yml --profile saucelabs tests/features/local_tokens.feature

To see tokens in action. Or

bin/behat --config tests/behat.yml --profile saucelabs tests/features/local.feature

To see basic behat/mink Or to see it run but where? On Saucelabs.

bin/behat --config tests/behat.yml --profile saucelabs tests/features/wikipedia.feature

Even just testing linux/Mac so you can see that level of work.

bin/behat --config tests/behat.yml tests/features/pure_behat.feature

With Tokens

You will see the above section for tokens in the behat.yml file Those files in tests/ folder selectors.yml and urls.yml are where you can place those tokens.

When you run

bin/behat --config=tests/behat.yml --profile=withtokens tests/features/local_with_tokens.feature

we then use those tokens to fill in, for example though the value being inserted might be limited for this library. See the libraries help for that


"And I should see "foobaz" on the page

Is one example of using a tooken to look for a world also seen in the selectors.yml.

See tests/selectors.yml for related tokens


  • Some more steps included.
  • Test file upload and other form subissions
  • Base Vagrant install file


Tags seed php