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Laravel zain

Zain DSP API integration with Laravel, was made to simplify the process and API calls and let developers focus on other integration parts and logic.
Updated 3 months ago

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Zain DSP API integration with Laravel

Latest Version MIT Licensed


Laravel Zain is Zain DSP API integration with Laravel, made to simplify the process and API calls and let developers focus on other integration parts and logic. See also Laravel Sudani.



  • PHP >= 7.4.x
  • Laravel >= 7.x

install via composer

composer require alkhatibdev/laravel-zain

Publish Configs

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-zain-config

A laravel-zain.php config file will be published on your configs directory, with the following content:


return [

    'base_url' => env('ZAIN_SERVER_BASE_API_URL'),

    'product_code' => env('ZAIN_PRODUCT_CODE'),

    'username' => env('ZAIN_USERNAME'),

    'password' => env('ZAIN_PASSWORD'),

    'remember_token' => env('ZAIN_REMEMBER_TOKEN', false),

    'enable_logging' => false,

Don't forget to set all these variable on your .env file



Initial Payment/Subscription

use AlkhatibDev\LaravelZain\Facades\Zain;

// Initiate payment request
$response = Zain::initiate($phone)

When initiate payment request successfully sent, a SMS with OTP code will be send to the $phone number, and $response will contain a subscribe_request_id and you should save it to the next step verify.

Verify Payment/Subscription

$response = Zain::verify($otp, $requestId)

Check Subscription

$response = Zain::checkSubscription($phone)


$response = Zain::unsubscribe($phone)

// cacheToken($response['token'])

Login and Cache DSP token

Out of the box the package will login automatically and get the token and use it for each action initiate, verify ..etc per request.

If you want to cache the token and use it for furthor requests, you can request token like this:

$token = Zain::token()

And you can cache it and use it for each request for the next 24 hours. If you set ZAIN_REMEMBER_TOKEN=true token will be expired after 30 days.

Example of using cached token:

// $token = getCachedToken()

$response = Zain::withToken($token)->initiate($phone)
$response = Zain::withToken($token)->verify($phone)


You can enable logging from package config file

'enable_logging' => true,

Other Packages


Laravel Zain is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Tags zain php