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Journal extension

Behat extension to add screenshots in HTML reports
Updated 3 years ago

Behat - Journal Extension

This extension provides a HTML format for Behat with screenshots.


Add it to your composer.json:

.. code-block:: json

    "require": {
        "alom/journal-extension": "dev-master"

Configure behat.yml:

.. code-block:: yaml

            driver: mink # available: mink, webdriver
            capture_all: true # defaults to false to only capture on failure

Launch your test suite with format journal:

.. code-block:: bash

$ bin/behat -f journal --out journal.html [feature, ...]

This command will produce a file journal.html containing the HTML standard output with additional screenshots.

Screenshot files will be placed in the same folder as the main output file. Any old screenshots are removed from the output folder first.

To get another progress on screen while journal report is being generated, use behat.yml:

.. code-block:: yaml

        name: journal,pretty
            output_path: wwwdocs/features/index.html,null

To work, you have to use proper extension for it. Supported are:

  • PHP WebDriver <>_
  • Mink (with SeleniumDriver or Selenium2Driver)