Best laravel framework open-source packages.

Updated 6 months ago

Invoice System


This project is an Invoice System that allows users to create, update, and manage invoices. It uses Laravel as the backend.


  • Create Invoices: Users can create new invoices with customer details and product information.
  • Update Invoices: Existing invoices can be updated with new information.
  • Manage Invoices: Users can view all their invoices in one place and perform actions like delete, archive, etc.
  • User Management: Admins can create new users and assign roles to them.
  • Role Management: Customers can create new roles and assign permissions to them.
  • Notifications: All user actions are notified to the system admins.
  • Payments: Users can pay their invoices through the system.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd invoice_system
  3. Install dependencies: composer install
  4. Copy .env.example to .env and modify the environment variables as needed.
  5. Generate an app key: php artisan key:generate
  6. Run migrations: php artisan migrate


To start the application, run: php artisan serve


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.