Best laravel framework open-source packages.

Updated 2 years ago

Where to go to from here...

  • Add in a better Trello API integration (either use an open source one (likely requiring some maintenance/compat fixes) or flesh out the current one to just support the actions required)
  • Create a better onboarding flow (A link to auth your site against Trello and provide access to just the one board)
  • A sync task for labels/columns is required to run after selecting a board (perhaps use queued jobs for it)
  • Create tests
  • Look at how we sync the card states, currently it's done as a task which would need to be run on a cron, and would likely need the API to be updated to just get all cards on a board (currently it's one request to get the state per card)
  • Look at using webhooks with Trello for updates that are faster for users
  • Create a base "workflow" module and then create a "Trello service" module that integrates with it allowing us to swap in other services in the future

SilverStripe supported module skeleton

A useful skeleton to more easily create a Silverstripe Module that conform to the Module Standard.

This readme contains descriptions of the parts of this module base you should customise to meet you own module needs. For example, the module name in the H1 above should be you own module name, and the description text you are reading now is where you should provide a good short explanation of what your module does.

Where possible we have included default text that can be included as is into your module and indicated in other places where you need to customise it

Below is a template of the sections of your you should ideally include to met the Module Standard and help others make use of your modules.

Steps to prepare this module for your own use:

  • Clone this repository into a folder
  • Add your name/organisation to
  • Update this readme with information about your module. Ensure sections that aren't relevant are deleted and placeholders are edited where relevant
  • Review the README files in the various provided directories. You should replace these with .gitkeep or delete the directories
  • Update the module's composer.json with your requirements and package name
  • Update (or remove) package.json with your requirements and package name. Run yarn (or remove yarn.lock) to ensure dependencies resolve correctly
  • Clear the git history by running rm -rf .git && git init
  • Add and push to a VCS repository
  • Either publish the module on, or add a custom repository to your main composer.json
  • Require the module in your main composer.json
  • Start developing your module!


  • SilverStripe ^4.0
  • Yarn, NodeJS (6.x) and npm (for building frontend assets)
  • Other module
  • Other server requirement
  • Etc


Add some installation instructions here, having a 1 line composer copy and paste is useful. Here is a composer command to create a new module project. Ensure you read the 'publishing a module' guide and update your module's composer.json to designate your code as a SilverStripe module.

composer require silverstripe-module/skeleton 4.x-dev

Note: When you have completed your module, submit it to Packagist or add it as a VCS repository to your project's composer.json, pointing to the private repository URL.


See License

We have included a 3-clause BSD license you can use as a default. We advocate for the BSD license as it is one of the most permissive and open licenses.

Feel free to alter the to suit if you wan to use an alternative license. You can use to help pick a suitable license for your project.


Add links into your docs/ folder here unless your module only requires minimal documentation in that case, add here and remove the docs folder. You might use this as a quick table of content if you mhave multiple documentation pages.

Example configuration (optional)

If your module makes use of the config API in SilverStripe it's a good idea to provide an example config here that will get the module working out of the box and expose the user to the possible configuration options.

Provide a yaml code example where possible.

  config_option: true
    - item1
    - item2



Bugs are tracked in the issues section of this repository. Before submitting an issue please read over existing issues to ensure yours is unique.

If the issue does look like a new bug:

  • Create a new issue
  • Describe the steps required to reproduce your issue, and the expected outcome. Unit tests, screenshots and screencasts can help here.
  • Describe your environment as detailed as possible: SilverStripe version, Browser, PHP version, Operating System, any installed SilverStripe modules.

Please report security issues to the module maintainers directly. Please don't file security issues in the bugtracker.

Development and contribution

If you would like to make contributions to the module please ensure you raise a pull request and discuss with the module maintainers.

Tags trello php