Best laravel framework open-source packages.

Ota server

Deploy and install over the air your iOS & Android apps like a breeze. Works everywhere on php server.
Updated 1 year ago


Deploy and install over the air your iOS & Android apps like a breeze. Works everywhere on PHP server.

project security

Add this to your .htaccess (edit the path for .htpasswd):

AuthName "Secured Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "/full/path/to/.htpasswd"
Require valid-user
SetEnvIf Request_URI "(.*\.apk)$"  allow
Order allow,deny
Allow from env=allow
Satisfy any

Note that this .htaccess disable protection for apk files, due to a bug with .htaccess on some Android browsers (more informations here).

Use .htpasswd to secure your OTA Server. You can have one account that restricts access to all project, or a per-project/per-user protection.

One account for all projects example:


One account for all projects and one account only to project "my-project":



Complex projects




Project name is case sensitive: for instance, if you want to restrict access of to user toto, your .htpasswd must contains this line:


Apache conf

mod_rewrite must be enabled on Apache.

For instance, on Debian you should do:

a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restart

permissions directory setup

Your Apache user must have write access to datas folder, that will contains uploaded ipa files.

For instance, if your Apache user is www-data,

chown -R www-data datas

should be sufficient.

Virtual Host configuration example

Basic example of a virtual host Apache conf for ota-server:

<VirtualHost *:80>


	DocumentRoot /home/toto/ota-server/src
	<Directory /home/toto/ota-server/src/>
		AllowOverride All
		Order allow,deny
		allow from all

	ErrorLog /home/toto/logs/error.log
	CustomLog /home/toto/logs/access.log common

	LogLevel warn


PHP configuration

ota-server allows user to upload/download ipa files. As ipa files can be big, you should certainly increase your PHP's file upload limit in your php.ini.

For instance, php.ini is typically located at /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

Edit this file and add:

file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 20M //needs to be in {x}M format
post_max_size = 20M 

upload from curl

[OS] : ios or android

[PATH] : Path where you want to put your ipa (if path didn't exist, the server will create it for you)

curl -i -F name=upload -F filedata=@app.ipa http://[your-ota-server]/apps/[OS]/[PATH]

upload with UI


delete with UI



Generate .htpasswd accounts

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