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Guerrilla SMTPd

Guerrilla SMTPd is minimalist, event-driven I/O, non-blocking SMTP server. The design goal and purpose of Guerrilla SMTPd is to receive large volumes of email and nothing much else. It happily gobbles down millions of emails every week on a single processor system.
Updated 2 months ago

Guerrilla SMTPd

An minimalist, event-driven I/O, non-blocking SMTP server in PHP

Written for which processes tens of thousands of emails every hour.

Copyright 2011 Author: Flashmob, Contact: License: MIT

New Management: TwixtedChaox

Why do we need this?

Originally, Guerrilla Mail was running the Exim mail server, and the emails were fetched using POP.

This proved to be inefficient and unreliable, so the system was replaced in favour of piping the emails directly in to a PHP script.

Soon, the piping solution became a problem too; it required a new process to be started for each arriving email, and it also required a new database connection every time.

So, how did we eliminate this bottleneck? Conveniently, PHP has a socket library which means we can use PHP to write a simple and efficient SMTP server. If the server runs as a daemon, then the system doesn't need to launch a new process for each incoming email. It also doesn't need to run and insane amount of checks for each connection (eg, NS Lookups, white-lists, black-lists, SPF domain keys, Spam Assassin, etc).

We only need to open a single database connection and a single process can be re-used indefinitely. The PHP server is able to multiplex simultaneous connections, and it can pass the email directly to the MySQL database as soon as it is received. (Version 2.0 also uses Memcached if available)

So now we can receive, process and store email all in the one process. The performance improvement has been dramatic.

However, a few months later, the volume of email increased again and this time our server's CPU was under pressure. You see, the problem was that the SMTP server was checking the sockets in a loop all the time. This is fine if you have a few sockets, but horrible if you have 1000! A common way to solve this is to have a connection per thread - and a thread can sleep while it is waiting for a socket, not polling all the time.

Threads are great if you have many CPU cores, but our server only had two. Besides, our process was I/O bound - so the bottleneck was not the CPU. So how to solve this one?

Instead of polling in an infinite loop to see if there are any sockets to be operated, it is much more efficent to be notified when the sockets are ready. This Wikipedia entry explains it best, see "Select(/poll) loops" To take advantage of epoll or kqueue would be nice, and luck has it that an extension is available for PHP! One night later, and version 2 was made to use libevent

The improvement has been superb. The load average has decreased substantially, freeing the CPU for other tasks. Both the disk and network card have quite a bit of unused capacity, and we're ready for the next bump!

The purpose of this daemon is to grab the email, save it to the database and disconnect as quickly as possible.

For version 2.0, MIME processing was removed and pushed further up the stack since not all emails need to be processed.

This server does not attempt to filter HTML, check for spam or do any sender verification. These steps should be performed by other programs. The server does NOT send any email including bounces. Again, this should be performed by a separate program.

HOW TO USE / Installation:

Finally, the server may fail from time to time. It would need to be checked periodically and re-started if required

// Here is a simple script which can be placed on a cron job: // (modify for your purposes) /* @exec ('ps aux | grep loop', $output, $ret_var); foreach ($output as $line) { if (strpos($line, 'smtpd.php')!==false) { $running = true; break; } } if (!$running) { @exec ('sh /home/user/startsmtpd'); } die();

Here is an example of /home/user/startsmtpd which will start the smtpd in the background:

#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/nohup php -d memory_limit=1024M /home/gmail/smtpd.php >> /home/gmail/smtpd_out 2>&1 &

Save the 2 lines above in to a file named startsmtpd and then do: $[]chmod 755 startsmtpd

You may also place /home/user/startsmtpd in /etc/rc.local so that the server starts when the server boots up.

(Note: /usr/bin/nohup ensures that smtpd.php stays running in the background)

Database Schema:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS new_mail ( mail_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, date datetime NOT NULL, from varchar(128) character set utf8 NOT NULL, to varchar(128) character set utf8 NOT NULL, subject varchar(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL, body text NOT NULL, charset varchar(32) character set utf8 NOT NULL, mail longblob NOT NULL, spam_score float NOT NULL, hash char(32) character set latin1 NOT NULL, content_type varchar(64) character set latin1 NOT NULL, recipient varchar(128) character set latin1 NOT NULL, has_attach int(11) NOT NULL, ip_addr varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (mail_id), KEY to (to), KEY hash (hash), KEY date (date) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gm2_setting ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, setting_value int(11) NOT NULL, date datetime NOT NULL, setting_name varchar(128) character set utf8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

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