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Final year project building a project storage system inside laravel
Updated 5 years ago

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Installation of Project Bazaar

  1. To download Project Bazzar from bit bucket run git clone in bash
  2. Once the project download run cd final-year-project/Build/DissertationProject in bash
  3. Once in the DissertationProject directory run composer update
  4. Once composer has finished updating locate the .env.example file within the project and change the name to .env
  5. In bash run php artisan key:generate
  6. open the .env file and change DB_Database to dissertation_database
  7. In .env file change DB_USERNAME to root
  8. In .env file change DB_PASSWORD=webdev
  9. Close .env file
  10. Run php artisan serve in bash
  11. Open internet browser and navigate to localhost:8000/home to make sure the application runs
  12. In bash enter ctrl + c to stop local host from running

Installation of Database

  1. Open MySQL Workbench
  2. Login to local instance with you user name and password
  3. If the username and password is not the same as the one in the .env file the .env file needs changing to match
  4. click create schema
  5. name schema dissertation_database
  6. set default collation to utf8 - default collation
  7. click apply
  8. In bash run php artisan migrate
  9. If any errors check the .env matches the username, password and name of the database
  10. In bash run php artisan db:seed

Run automated test to create content and test the system

  1. Run php artisan serve
  2. In a new bach navigate DissertationProject
  3. run php vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance in bash
  4. The system is now ready to use
  5. Make sure php artisan serve is still running in bash
  6. In another bash navigate to the directory DissertationProject

Login in to the system

  1. Programme leader email is and password is password

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Tags storage