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React Project

The E-Commerce Dashboard project aims to create a comprehensive management system for an online store. It integrates the Laravel backend for API development and the React frontend for dynamic user interfaces.
Updated 3 months ago

Basic React Project With Laravel

Project Name: E-Commerce Dashboard

  1. Overview:

    • The E-Commerce Dashboard project aims to create a comprehensive management system for an online store.
    • It integrates the Laravel backend for API development and the React frontend for dynamic user interfaces.
  2. Frontend:

    • The frontend is built using React and includes several key components:
      • Routes: The project defines routes for different pages, such as login, registration, product management, and search.
      • Protected Routes: Certain routes (e.g., adding, updating, and searching products) are protected and require authentication.
      • Components: Components like Login, Register, AddProduct, UpdateProduct, SearchProduct, and ProductList handle specific functionalities.
  3. Backend:

    • The backend is developed in Laravel and provides RESTful APIs for communication with the frontend.
    • Key API endpoints include:
      • User registration and login (/register, /login).
      • Product management (/addProduct, /list, /delete/{id}, /product/{id}, /updateproduct/{id}, /search/{key}).
      • Data storage in a MySQL database.
  4. Functionality:

    • Authentication: Users can register and log in securely.
    • Product Management: Admins can add, update, delete, and search for products.
    • User Profiles: User information is stored in the database.
    • Responsive Design: The dashboard adapts to different screen sizes.
  5. Testing:

    • APIs have been tested using Postman to ensure proper functionality.
    • Frontend components should also be thoroughly tested.

happy coding! 🚀