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Laravel reactjs teams challenge

This project is created because of a code challenge. It is an API Rest created with Laravel and a Frontend created using ReactJS.
Updated 1 year ago

Laravel 5.7 + ReactJS Code Challenge

This repository is an implementation created by me for this code challenge.


Create a REST API using the Laravel PHP framework to model sports teams and their players.

Also create a U/I to show functionality. It would be best if U/I is in VueJS.

Be sure to include the following elements:

- migration for adding the teams table

- migration for adding the players table

- seed script to fill the tables with some data

- API endpoint to add a team

- API endpoint to add a player

- API endpoint to update a player

- API endpoint to get a team and its players

- Bonus: authentication method so only trusted entities may call the APIs

Schema for teams table (you may add additional fields as needed):

- id

- name

- created_at

- updated_at

Schema for players table (you may add additional fields as needed):

- id

- first_name

- last_name

- created_at

- updated_at

Backend Installation

  • clone the project and point to backend folder
  • run composer install
  • create a database and configure it on .env file. More information at Laravel docs.
  • run php artisan migrate
  • [optional] run database seeders php artisan db:seed

Frontend Installation

  • clone project and point to frontend folder
  • run cp .env.default .env. Edit this file and configure the variable REACT_APP_API_HOST with the host of the API (ending with slash)
  • run yarn/npm install
  • To login use and secret as password

Run automated Unit tests

  • run /vendor/bin/phpunit on backend folder.


  • Created by Mariano Peyregne
  • If you have any doubt, suggestion or comment feel free to contact me at: